Vibration Damage

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Construction Vibration Damage

Vibration damage to structures (homes and buildings) from blasting is well-known and studied. Somewhat less well-known outside the scientific community is that much more common construction operations using heavy equipment, like pile driving, vibratory compaction, demolition and even the movements of tracked equipment, can cause vibration damage, too. Because of their much longer durations and far greater number of repetitions, as well as other differences, construction operations provide much greater total vibration exposure and are more likely to cause damage than blasting vibrations of the same ground peak particle velocity (PPV). Construction vibration standards recognize this fact by setting PPV limits which are typically about 1/4 of those deemed acceptable for blasting-caused vibrations. While the possibility of construction vibration damage is widely acknowledged scientifically, construction companies, their insurers, their paid "experts" and their attorneys routinely deny claims with false "construction can't cause damage" arguments.

Construction vibration damage in homes and buildings most commonly takes the form of cracks like those shown above in interior and exterior walls. Often, the cracks extend at rough diagonals from the corners of wall penetrations (i.e. windows, doors). These are frequently accompanied by nail or screw "pops" (as at right), in which vibration-induced shear in the structure creates the diagonal cracks and loosens or completely removes fasteners. In severe cases of construction vibration damage, there can be hundreds of such damage sites in a structure. In even more extreme examples, cracking can also occur in concrete slabs and patios and in masonry. In some cases, damage to home systems is also found; this can involve HVAC, plumbing and irrigation systems. Most cases of vibration damage to structures go unreported, as the homeowners don't know that damaging vibrations have occurred, are not aware that construction vibrations can cause damage and haven't looked for telltale damage sites.

As a result of extensive damage done to his own home and many others nearby in a road reconstruction job, Dr. Zeigler devoted 4 years to learning the science and technology of vibration damage and its causes. After the resolution of his case, he undertook to write the first and largest public service vibration damage web site,, with the goal of making the science and claim resolution issues of this widespread, and increasingly prevalent, problem accessible to both non-scientists and those with scientific backgrounds. That Silchemy companion site has extensive coverage of vibration damage science, claim documentation and resolution, preparation for future construction and many other related topics. The pages on are heavily referenced, so that anyone can review  the scientific and other literature behind the statements found there. If you're new to the field of vibration damage, the Introduction and Summary page there gives a broad overview of most of the issues. The site also details some our research contributions to the vibration damage field. You can find out more about our research efforts in this area from Silchemy's Vibration Research page. Over the last 14 years, Dr. Zeigler's consulting in the vibration damage field has greatly expanded his knowledge and experience.

Dr. Zeigler makes available through an extended, and free, e-book compilation of its pages as the 120+ page Construction Vibration Damage Guide for Homeowners. It has been downloaded from several sources worldwide more than 10,000 times. It is as widely used by scientists and engineers as it is by home and building owners. For those who need more help in this area, he can provide extensive knowledge and experience through paid consulting and/or his 300+ page Construction Vibration Damage Guide Professional Edition. Both of these resources provide for free download a number of vibration estimation tools through links provided in the PDF's.

Let us show you how we can help you resolve vibration damage issues. Initial consultations are free and confidential, without obligation for either party. Write us at with inquiries or see our Contact Us page. More about Silchemy, Dr. Zeigler, and our consulting rates is recorded on our About page.


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Last modified: 01/01/24